# Exception handling


If there is any error response from the API, the services will throw a DomainrobotException, which contains information about the error.

Therefore you should call all SDK tasks inside a try/catch block.

# Try/catch example

 try {
    $promise = $domainrobot->certificate->createRealtime($certificate);
}catch(DomainrobotException $exception){
    return response()->json(

The specific error message is stored in $exception->error and can be accessed with $exception->getError().

The specific http status code can be accessed with $exception->getStatusCode().

# Error message example

    [stid] => 20200210-app3-dev-5050
    [messages] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [text] => Domain validation failed on the CA side.
                    [code] => EF400139
                    [status] => ERROR
    [status] => Array
            [code] => E4001012
            [text] => E4001012
            [type] => ERROR
    [object] => Array
            [type] => Certificate
            [value] => example.com